The annual beach exercise by the Cavalerie Ere-Escort on the Monday before Prinsjesdag (Price's Day) in The Hague is always a spectacle to behold. On Scheveningen beach, in front of the Kurhaus, soldiers practise in the morning with their horses, which will join the royal procession through the city the following day.

The familiarisation exercise of the Cavalry Honorary Escort accompanied by the Trompetterkorps der Bereden Wapenen is always accompanied by a lot of practice ammunition and smoke bombs. The audience along the side is urged to make as much noise as possible. This spectacular fright training should prevent the horses from becoming restless and stampeding during Prinsjesdag (Prince's Day). 



Scheveningen is the most-visited beach resort in Holland. It offers a host of attractions, such as the Pier, SEA LIFE, Museum Sculptures at the Sea, the Circustheater and Holland Casino. After a refreshing walk along the beach, drop in at the restaurants and cafés on the boulevard and the year-round beach clubs to enjoy a delicious dinner with a view of the sea. Nearby SEA LIFE Scheveningen is a must for a day out with children. The Pathé cinema, Circustheater and Holland Casino guarantee a great evening out in Scheveningen. The historic city centre of The Hague is only fifteen minutes from Scheveningen beach!



Scheveningen is well served by public transport and is easy to reach by car and bike. The beach can be reached quickly by public transport. A range of buses and trams run to Scheveningen from both train stations in The Hague within 15 minutes. The beach is a few minutes' walk from the Kurhausplein stop. Travelling by car from the A44 and A12, follow the signs for Scheveningen Bad. You will find various parking garages located in the vicinity of the beach, including Zwolsestraat.