Dutch Immersion for everyone with or without toothache

They are a varied group of people, the four students from the TaalTaal language course Dutch Immersion 2. Astrid from Romania, Rosa from the Dominican Republic, Luke from California and Matheus who is originally from Brazil, but currently lives in Germany. Are you guys still following it?


The conversation between the students is held almost entirely in Dutch, under the supervision of one of the TaalTaal teachers. Matheus tries to curb his German, which is a bit funny because his own language is Portuguese. Matheus is a dentist and he would like to be able to speak to his patients in Dutch. That's a coincidence, because his teacher is currently suffering from a terrible toothache! Fortunately, Matheus had some good tips and his teacher is now perfectly aware of what a root canal treatment entails...;-) For the people who live in The Netherlands, fear no more: with Matheus as a dentist, no one is afraid anymore!


Rosa from the Dominican Republic has a Dutch partner, but she finds it difficult to practice at home. She sometimes tries with her
in-laws, which is also a good idea. You can always make small talk about 'safe' topics such as food, the weather or traffic on the road.


Astrid from Romania has previously taken private Dutch lessons outside of TaalTaal, but now she is a real fan of Immersion and TaalTaal. Astrid: "At TaalTaal and during our Immersion course the emphasis is mainly on improving our speaking skills." This is helpful, because Astrid works in a place where only Dutch people work. She says: "I am the only one who speaks a little Dutch, while obviously all my colleagues are fluent in Dutch. I can understand a lot, but speaking remains difficult ."


Some students just can’t get enough of TaalTaal Immersion and Luke from The States is one of them. He has taken two Immersion courses, one after the other. Luke: “I am using TaalTaal as a springboard!” Next to him is a whole stack of Dutch-English dictionaries to underline that. He is very eager to learn, something they all have in common as a group. TaalTaal appealed to Luke because of the positive reviews and the good price-quality ratio. He found the course very useful and the three others also praised the explanation of the grammar, the different teachers and of course the funny language games!


The Immersion concept at TaalTaal is truly unique: you receive no less than 60 hours of lessons per week (in a group of at least three students) plus 15 hours of optional homework guidance. Certainly, it is intensive, but doable for most, especially for the diehards who follow several Immersions in succession.

Could you break the record of 3 Immersion courses in a row? Find more information at: www.taaltaal.nl/immersion/dutch


TaalTaal summer courses will be starting in the week of 15th July. The current course season can be viewed at: www.taaltaal.nl/en - there is an Open Day on Saturday 6th July and free intakes are available all year round via: www.taaltaal.nl/en/intake/