Amsterdam Sinfonietta has invited singer and pianist Karsu for their annual, successful new year’s tour. With her unique combination of pop, jazz and Turkish music, Karsu has performed in more than twenty countries worldwide, including three performances at New York’s Carnegie Hall, and a performance at the North Sea Jazz Festival.


In 2016 she was awarded an Edison for her album Colors. During her performance in the TV programme Best Singers in 2021, she had millions of viewers glued to their screens. Her rendering of Hijo de la Luna and Je Suis Malade entered at number 1 in various hit lists. She is now so popular in Turkey that all her concerts are a sure sell-out. In this new year’s tour, her pop, jazz and Turkish music will blend with classical strings. 


Amsterdam Sinfonietta

Daniel Bard leiding & viool

Karsu zang & piano