Garbage Mansion or The Possibility of a Haunting is an immersive theater piece by interdisciplinary artists Marieke Peeters and Ghazale Monqanaki. It is a dark fairy tale that combines film, live performance, and puppetry inside an immersive installation. The installation reflects the whismical horror story of a supernatural hoarder's house and the chaos, clutter, and intimacy it holds. The hoarder's house becomes a portal in which we encounter the knitting of the universe and animate garbage. 


In a world that produces and doscards so much physical, cultural, and human waste, hoarding is a relevant vehicle through which we can look closer at our relationship with waste. In this piece, Marieke and Ghazale make use of storytelling as they wonder; where do things go? And how do we live with the possibility of being hauntes by that which we throw away?